Go To Recent Document Click on this button to view the last document you were viewing before arriving at the current document. URL PopUp Menu Used to create an editable URL from the title of one of the editor documents or the global URL list on the Preferences card. This field also contains the last named anchor you created, for use with the QuickLink and TouchLink™ commands. Document Resize Box Drag this box to resize the current editor window. Help Button Click here for help on using HTML.edit and the HyperText Markup Language. Body PopUp Menu Click and hold down on this button to display the Body popup menu. Footer PopUp Menu Click and hold down on this button to display the Master Footer popup menu. Header PopUp Menu Click and hold down on this button to display the Master Header popup menu. Footer Separator Drag this bar vertically to resize the Footer area. Header/Footer Toggle Clicking this button alternately shows or hides the Header and Footer. You can click and drag the black horizontal separator bars to resize either the Header or Footer areas. Go To Index Click on this button to go to the Index Card. Header Separator Drag this bar vertically to resize the Header area. Scroll To Top Clicking this button scrolls the Header, Body and Footer areas to the top of their respective scrolling areas. Go To First Document Click on this button to view the first document in the Editor. Go To Previous Document Click on this button to view the previous document in the Editor. If you are viewing the first document in the editor, you'll wrap around to view the last card. Go To Next Document Click on this button to view the next document in the Editor. If you are viewing the last document in the editor, you'll loop around to view the first document. Go To Last Document Click on this button to view the last document in the Editor. The number of documents the editor can store is limited only by your hard disk space. Zoom Box Resizes the HTML.edit application window. Click and Drag to display a popUp menu allowing the selection of some common window sizes. Show HTML Tool Palette Clicking this button alternately shows or hides the HTML Tool Palette. Info Button Click here to display the Info windoid, which shows the pathname where the current document was last saved, its size, its label, and its page number in the Editor.